Koffenza Syrup 100ml

The best Ayurvedic cough syrup with Tulsi, vasaka, Jethimadh, Haldi etc.


Each 5 ml Contains:-

Kapoor Crystal (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum)             1mg     A.B
Suddga Suhaga           20mg     A.B
Extract Derived From:
Haldi Rhizome(Curcuma Longa)         100mg         A.B     
Kanthakari Panchang (Solanum xanthocarpum)           25mg     A.B
Somlatha Leaves (Ephedra Vulgaris)           25mg     A.B
Adusa Leaves (Adhatoda Vasica)           75mg     A.B
Baheda Fruit (Terminalia Belerica)         100mg     A.B
Yastimadhu Mool (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)         100mg     A.B
Bharangi Mool (Cleodendron Serratum)         100mg     A.B
Sunth Rhizome (Zingiber Officinale)         200mg     A.B
Talispatra Leaves (Taccus Bacata)           25mg     A.B
Nilgiri Pan (Eucalyptus Globulus)          0.5mg    BHP
Lavang Flowerburd           20mg     A.B
Tulsi Leaves(Ocimum Sanctum)         175mg     A.B
Pudina Pan(Mentha Soicata)          30mg     A.B
Flavoured Syrup Base           Q.S     I.P


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